Children's Coverage

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Lessons from the Implementation of the Maryland Kids First Act

Dec 2012

SHARE grantee David Idala, Director of Medicaid Policy Studies at The Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, released a final report from his SHARE-funded evaluation of Maryland’s effort to identify and enroll eligible children in Medicaid and CHIP using information from state tax forms.


CMWF -- State Scorecard on Child Health System Performance, 2011

Mar 2011

The  State Scorecard on Child Health System Performance, 2011, examines states’ performance on 20 key indicators of children’s health care access, affordability of care, prevention and treatment, the potential to lead healthy lives, and health system equity. The analysis finds wide variation in performance across states. The report includes state-by-state insurance coverage projections for children once relevant provisions of the Affordable Health Act are implemented.

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