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July/Aug 2007

Reinsurance Institute: Final Meeting

On July 19, 2007, those states participating in SCI’s Reinsurance Institute reconvened for a final meeting to review the findings of the work undertaken during the course of the Institute.  The meeting featured presentations from the Urban Institute and the three states that had received state-specific modeling assistance: Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Washington. Information related to reinsurance modeling and lessons learned from the state-specific in-depth analysis was shared with attending states.  In addition, Illinois, New Jersey, and Montana provided information about reinsurance activities that had been undertaken in their respective states over the past year. A forthcoming final report based on the lessons learned through participation in the Institute will assist states who may consider reinsurance as a coverage strategy in the future.

Throughout the course of The Reinsurance Institute, SCI made available web resources including meeting slides, the cyber-seminar on risk premium, and publications on reinsurance. Please visit