Arizona State Specific Strategies

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Primary Care Program - The Arizona Department of Health Services operates a Primary Care Program (PCP) that provides access to primary care health services for uninsured, low-income Arizona residents of all ages.  The program serves Arizona residents with family income no greater than 200 percent FPL, who are uninsured and ineligible for AHCCCS, KidsCare, and/or Medicare. The purpose of the program is to develop and maintain an enhanced statewide capacity for delivery of comprehensive, community-based primary (health) care services to low-income, uninsured persons and other medically underserved Arizona residents. The program provides funding for qualified contractors to provide primary and preventive care services, preventive dental services, and limited behavioral health care. Contractors may charge persons a sliding scale fee service for recipients who earn between 100 and 200 percent FPL. 

Arizona Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit - The Arizona Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit was established in September, 2006. The state pledged up to $5 million in tax credits to subsidize private insurance premiums. Employers must have from 2-25 employees and have not offered coverage for 6 months. Eligible individuals must earn below 250 percent of FPL. The state pays 50 percent of the premium, up to $1,000 for individuals and $3,000 for a family.