Population Health Components of State Innovation Model Plans: Round 1 Model Testing States

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The State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Awards that HHS awarded to six states (Arkansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, and Vermont) were to support states’ work on multi-payer payment and delivery system reform. Strategies to improve the population's health were a critical aspect of the SIM awards. The SIM Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) required that states explain how the model would improve the population’s health in a number of areas including: health disparities, determinants of health, mental health, and substance abuse. The FOA also noted that states should describe how their State Health Care Innovation Plan integrates community health and prevention into their delivery system and payment models. This chart lays out the population health strategies the selected states plan to implement through their SIM initiatives.

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Date: Jan 2014
Author: State Refor(u)m