California Health Care Eligibility, Enrollment, and Retention Act (AB 1296)

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On October 9, 2011, California's Health Care Eligibility, Enrollment, and Retention Act (AB 1296) was signed into law .The bill offers the state guidance in implementing the ACA requirement to create streamlined eligibility and enrollment systems for public programs, and includes the following provisions to:

  • Adopt a “no wrong door” system;
  • Coordinate and simplify citizenship and identity verification at application and renewal;
  • Require the creation of a single statewide application that will be available on paper and electronically for all systems and entities
    accepting and processing applications and eligibility; and
  • Increase coordination with and enrollment in other public programs, such as CalWORKs and CalFresh.

To read the bill click here.

Resource Details

Date: Nov 2011