Insurance Exchanges

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Insurance Exchanges

Access resources specifically focused on the development and implementation of insurance exchanges and related analysis.  

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  • 01/10/2013

    Consumers offered employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) can be ineligible for subsidies in health insurance exchanges (HIX), and until better ESI data become available, HHS proposes using post-enrollment audits, rather than pre-enrollment verification for this eligibility requirement. This paper examines two strategies through which exchanges can implement this policy by focusing audits on the consumers who are most likely to be ineligible.

  • 12/14/2012

    New York Health Benefit Exchange launched its new website, which provides individuals, families, small businesses, and stakeholders information about exchanges and New York health insurance programs.

  • 12/14/2012

    Vermont’s Green Mountain Care Board has released a request for proposal for “a contractor who can assist in the development of an efficient rate review process that optimizes the data and information provided to the agency and streamlines the agency’s decision-making.”

  • 12/06/2012

    In this brief, Manatt Health Solutions assesses the proposed rules that will determine the benefits and costs of plans that will be offered through health insurance exchanges (Qualified Health Plans or QHPs) and for many plans sold outside of exchanges starting in 2014.

  • 12/06/2012

    Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to secure the services of a vendor to provide Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services associated with two separate implementation projects: the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) and Health Insurance Exchange (HIX).