Insurance Exchanges

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Insurance Exchanges

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  • 06/25/2014

    To guide stakeholders through the overwhelming volume of recent developments and upcoming issues for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Breakaway offers this ACA Dashboard, providing a visual and concise overview of key ACA updates in one place. Breakaway will provide comprehensive updates to the ACA Dashboard each month, covering the latest developments and offering a snapshot of Breakaway's health insurance exchange data and analysis.

  • 06/05/2014

    This survey, conducted by PerryUndem Research/Communication for Enroll America, provides fresh insights into why some individuals enrolled in health coverage during the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period and why some individuals did not. The survey, conducted April 10-28, 2014, among 671 newly enrolled individuals and 853 who remained uninsured, is the first in-depth examination of these populations and explores their attitudes, knowledge, and experiences with enrollment, costs, and health coverage.

  • 05/26/2014

    States have several different options to take part in the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces, where people can shop for health insurance. These range from taking full responsibility for operating the marketplaces to letting the federal government run them. To help guide state decisions, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently released the 2015 health insurance marketplace models for states. In their latest blog post, the Alliance for Health Reform's Sarah Dash and Georgetown University's Amy Thomas outline key deadlines and factors that states will consider when making their choices.

  • 05/10/2014

    The Health Insurance Exchange (HIX) Compare dataset provides information on benefit design and cost sharing for health plans offered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Specifically, the dataset includes data on premiums, network composition, deductibles, out-of-pocket limits, and copayment and coinsurance amounts. This data, updated May 1, 2014, was collected from state and federal government-sponsored exchange websites, and will provide perspective on consumer choice and affordability under the ACA.

  • 04/23/2014

    The ACA has created a Health Insurance Marketplace (Marketplace) in every state, which offers individuals and small businesses the opportunity to shop from an array of affordable, comprehensive health insurance plans.  For those states that opted to operate a State-based Marketplace (SBM) or State Partnership Model (SPM), the ACA provides significant flexibility in the design and structure of the Marketplace; hundreds of policy and operational decisions had to be addressed during the Marketplace implementation process. CBPP has evaluated SBM and SPM states across a number of these Marketplace design questions and compiled the information in this interactive tool.